We ha te color people, but, presently on vacation in Puerto Rico to TAN my skin. We yell at meetings to say- hands off when my foot is in my mouth. We have values, good ones, but hard to practice in C. street when lights are off ... Limbaugh, Hannity, Anderson Cooper, Beck, and Madlow are all essentially on the same side... the side of entertainment. All 6 of these media outlets (and others) have become masters at pitting our own personal beliefs, passions, and love for ...
ugh I've been waiting so freakin long for this thing and I still havnt gotten It. I live in Houston Texas but right now I'm on vacation in Florida?.so I'm confused as to wheather I have to go to tx to get it? .... do the update make the lx louder??? cuz theses shyts is mad low!! cambodian nation. To LADY,. Yeah I also live in OAKLAND CALI in the east, and I'm also waiting for the update for couple of month now, but I been on this forum for over a week to pass the time by. ...